The questions surrounding motherboard and chipset support for Intel’s Kaby Lake line of processors for the mainstream market have been doing circles for quite awhile now. But it’s good to see companies being more proactive in their communications regarding those confusions as the Kaby Lake release date closes in. Earlier, we had MSI stepping out to announce that its 100 series motherboards will extend support to Kaby Lake after a BIOS update. And now, it’s ASUS’ turn to follow suit.

The Taiwan-based multinational hardware giant has announced that its 100 series motherboards with 1151 pin socket will support the successor to the Skylake microarchitecture.

asus 100 series motherboard supports kaby lake

The upgrade is simple enough – all one has to do is execute a UEFI update to power up the motherboard specs to support all of the forthcoming chips. This can be done using a USB drive in the UEFI, or alternatively, also from within Windows. You can find the BIOS updates on the update tab on the ASUS website.

All ASUS 100-series motherboards that feature the ASUS USB BIOS Flashback feature enables users to execute the UEFI BIOS update with ease. Meanwhile, for other motherboards in the 100 series, the update can be done using ASUS EZ Update, a Windows-based application designed  to facilitate one-click BIOS updates. (ASUS EZ Update is available for free download on the official ASUS website.)


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