The new Titan X is 200% faster than the GeForce GTX Titan X (old), if the leaked Titan X Pascal synthetic benchmark results are to be believed. Titan X Pascal samples are already available and few reviewers have shared the first results of synthetic benchmark based on NVIDIA CUDA by comparing old and new Titan X. Not all news outlets have been able to get access to this card but the leaks do show that few reviewers have been able to get their hands on the new card.
We must tell you, however, that this isn’t a strictly typical hardware comparison. Both cards are different in the sense that they use different architecture optimized cuDNN libraries. One uses 4 and the other uses 5. So, these results cannot be directly translated to gaming performance. What we can, however, infer is that Titan X Pascal performs better in synthetic CUDA-based software, used in deep learning neural networks.
Without further ado, we present the benchmark results –
The new Titan X uses a new implementation of CuDNN. The speedup comes from both software and the improved hardware on Titan X. Specs-wise, the new Titan X has 16% more CUDA cores and 42% higher GPU clocks – that’s a reasonable amount of hardware improvements for a GPU. If synthetic benchmark results are to be believed, it’s safe to expect the new Titan X to be 91% to 98% faster in VGG, 74% to 91% faster in Alexnet, 76% to 200% on OverFear, and 74% to 84% on Inception.