The U.S election may have come and gone, but conspiracy theorists are now suggesting a relationship exists between Nostradamus’ prediction and the victory of Donald Trump.

Nostradamus, a French prophet had in one of his predictions in Century III, Quatrain 81, wrote that: “The great shameless, audacious bawler, he will be elected governor of the army: The boldness of his contention. The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.”

While this does not in any way imply he was referring to the Republican Candidate Trump, analysists are of the view that the French prophet known for accurate prophecies was referring to the 70-year old President-elect.

donald trump

The Danger lies ahead…

Analysts are of the view that there is a link between Trump and the third world war, considering some of the statements made by the controversial President-elect. Basing their theory on a portion of the prediction made by Nostradamus, analysts now fear that the third world war is around the corner.

Nostradamus in his prediction had said:

“The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws,” the 16th-century prophet wrote in Century I, 40 per Techtimes. “From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.”

Nostradamus did not mention the U.S in the above prediction, but theorists are convinced he was referring to the country anyway. Theorists are relying on some controversial statements made by Trump during his campaign. Trump made some controversial statements, especially about immigration.

The third world war, according to prediction, is expected to last for 27 years with war broking out between two powerful nations. Nostradamus further predicted that the third world war will coincide with a comet appearing in the sky and bringing great tragedy, natural calamities, and nuclear battle.

Against popular view, 70-year old Donald Trump emerged the 45th President-elect of the United States in an election held on November 8th.


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