It seems Hello Games is finally settling in a release date for their highly anticipated title, No Man’s Sky. Amazon has updated its listing for the game with a new release date, set for June 21st, 2016.

No Man's Sky

According to Albert Perkins over at Mammoth Gamers, an e-mail sent by Amazon says that the game’s placeholder date for December 31st, 2016 has been replaced with a more legitimate sounding date: June 21st, 2016.

This comes hot on the heels of yesterday’s leak at Sony Blog, which suggested that pre-orders for the game will go live starting today. We strongly believe that June 21 will be the final release date for the game, seeing as developer Sean Murray has been committed to a June 2016 release.

No Man’s Sky is perhaps one of the most high-profile indie releases of the year, and drops players into a procedurally generated galaxy, where they can freely explore and name planets that they encounter. A number of planets will be populated with strange lifeforms as well, and players can interact with, and name any lifeforms they encounter. The goal of the game is to hop from planet to planet while making your way to the core of the galaxy.

We’ve previously wondered whether the hype surrounding No Man’s Sky will end up deflating and turning the game into a disappointment. Let’s hope that’s not the case. Having a firm release date in sight certainly revs the hype machine back up.

No Man’s Sky is slated to release on the PC and PS4. We’re expecting “mind-blowing” info on the game to start filtering out some time this week.

Are you going to pre-order No Man’s Sky? Let us know in the comments below.


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