Nintendo restocked main components on its official site, most shops still don’t have any Switch units in stock.

All Switch owners who managed to break some part, like the dock, controller grip, or a Joy-Con Strap can be relieved because Nintendo restocked the parts; the site now offers the parts again after they disappeared for a while. You still can’t buy the actual console on the site. There were some rumors talking about Nintendo discontinued the dock due to the fact it scratching screens, but Nintendo proved the rumors false.

Although Nintendo restocked replacement parts, there’s still a drought regarding full console units. In the US, the only brick and mortar shop offering the Switch pre-purchase options is GameStop, with the store guaranteeing the console will arrive on April 14 or before.

In the UK, you can pre-purchase the console at Amazon and in GAME, with other retailers expressing concerns about Nintendo’s inability to provide new Switch stocks.

MCV reports that “Stock levels are by far the biggest concern for UK retailers going forward, with one manager who wished to remain anonymous stating they hadn’t had any confirmation from Nintendo about when the next batch of consoles would arrive, and might even have to wait until April before their stock is replenished,” with the unnamed source claiming that “We are in communications with Nintendo but there is not a confirmed date as of yet.”

The biggest concern about the low stock is tied to the upcoming Mario Kart. The source stated that With Mario Kart coming in April I would hope there would be more stock before then, but that’s not been confirmed.” In other words, Nintendo may take its time before it offers new Switch stock to retailers.


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