Google officially announced the arrival of Android 7.1 Nougat last month. At that point, the new version of Android N was only running on Google’s own Pixel and Pixel XL handsets in addition to a number of other devices via developer previews. At the time of the announcement, Google also laid out an Android 7.1 rollout plan for its somewhat underestimated Nexus lineup. And now, finally to the joy of all Nexus owners out there, the company has confirmed the exact Android N release dates for Nexus handsets.

Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Pixel C Android 7.1 Nougat Update

According to an update by Vodafone Australia, the new update sized at around 650 MB, will be rolled out starting Dec 6 — the same day when the security patch for the month of December will be made available.

Once available, the update will put the new Nexus 5X, 6P, Pixel C, as well as Nexus 9 in the same league as the Google Pixel family (at least when it comes to the software).

On the first three days following the release, just 10,000 handsets selected at random will be eligible for the updated software. From the fourth day onward, 10% of the remaining Nexus user pool will be selected each day, meaning by the fourteenth day, all Nexus handsets will be eligible for the Android 7.1 Nougat update.Worth noting, users will have to manually check for the update.


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