WhatsApp today released the latest update to the Android app to their popular messaging platform. The company releases regular updates to their beta app bringing a lot of new features for testing before being implemented in the final build. This update takes the app version to 2.17.206.


Not one, but three beta updates were released by WhatsApp for its Android app after releasing an update yesterday. It seems that there are a bit too many things that WhatsApp wanted to fix in its app but couldn’t be done in one go. Otherwise, the update brings nothing significant to the app.

The official changelog of WhatsApp 2.17.206 update just mentions the chat pinning feature that has already been available on the final build for some time now. This feature allows you to pin your favourite chats on the top and they will remain on the top irrespective of any of the chats receiving new messages.

It was tested on the beta version of WhatsApp before coming with the final version. Moreover, the feature also allows you to unpin the chats as well. Just long press one of the pinned chats and unpin it with the button in the top menu.

Besides this, the app brings no new features to the update and we are expecting just a few bug fixes like any other beta update. There isn’t anything new for WhatsApp 2.17.206, that’s the reason the changelog mentions older features. It may also be there to inform the users about the much-needed feature.

The WhatsApp 2.17.206 APK can be downloaded from here. The file is 35.02 MB in size and you need at least Android 4.0 to be able to install the update. You can also take part in the WhatsApp beta program from the Google Play Store and get the latest beta updates from the Play Store itself.

Be aware that being a beta version, the app would be unstable and could crash a number of times. There can be many features that might not work properly. If you want to stable app, then this beta version isn’t for you.


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