When talking about smartphone messengers, no other app can compete with WhatsApp, as this is the original concept that paved way for other messaging apps. WhatsApp keeps receiving new updates regularly that add new features to the app, like the WhatsApp 2.12.441 APK update that brings new emojis. Then there are updates that add no new stuff but make the app more stable and smoother. One such new update has been released today by the developers.
The new WhatsApp update brings a small increase in the version number, which now stands at 2.12.445, while the new build number is 450909. The WhatsApp 2.12.445 APK is 27 MB, which shows an increase in the size of the file as compared to the previous version. As with most of the previous versions, this update supports Android 2.1 and above. The update is available as a free download.
As for the changes, we are unable to tell you anything due to the unavailability of a changelog for this update. But then we can surely expect some UI tweaks, performance enhancements, and bug fixes over the previous WhatsApp update. And for those who haven’t updated their WhatsApp Messengers in the last week or two, there are some new emojis waiting for you.
You can download WhatsApp 2.12.445 APK free from the Play Store or from apkmirror.com.