Amid the hustle and bustle of WhatsApp’s most –anticipating roll out of the year, the ‘Video Calling’ feature, the long-standing ‘Big Boss’ of the video calling application Skype has quietly unveiled a historic feature that is believed, has ‘turned the table’. Skype is now allowing users to make a video call without needing to have a Skype account.
As part of the improvements, Microsoft-owned Skype has now announced this novelty that everyone asked for. It has been a long-standing need for many of its users, as either because they are on other computers, either because they are unable to download the application or simply because they want to have a conversation without sharing contacts.
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Earlier this wasn’t possible. But now anyone can use Skype’s video calling service by logging in as a guest. So here’s how you can use Skype without having a Skype account.
Step 1: Access Skype Web
In order to create these temporary chat rooms, you need to go to and tap on ‘Start a conversation’.
Step 2: Create a Guest Account
To make video or voice call without having an account you have to create a guest account, just by entering your name. And whoa! You’ll get your temporary Skype account ready. No email id, no hassles of password matching.
Step 3: Share the Invite Link with Your Friend
On the next step, you’ll find a link and a copy link button on your left side, just click on it. Once it is copied you can share this link with the person you want to have a conversation with. You can share this link via social networking sites, IM applications and even via email. Your part is over.
Now your friend has to click on the link, and you’re done!
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Things to Remember
While you’re having a Skype a conversation, here are few points you should remember about Skype’s this new feature.
- The free feature is available only for 24 hours. Users will have to sign up for a free Skype account if they wish to continue using the service and return to the conversation.
- These rooms ensure all free features, which includes having conversations with other users, up to 300, or video or voice conversations, up to a maximum no. of 25 users.
- Apart from video and voice calling, you can also share photos and files using Skype’s this new feature.