Tesla founder and chief Executive Elon Musk on Friday posted the first video clip of what he called a “release candidate” version of the company’s forthcoming Model 3 electric car. The thing with the new five-second video is that it hardly reveals anything new — especially if you have seen the Model 3 prototypes before.
First drive of a release candidate version of Model 3 pic.twitter.com/zcs6j1YRa4
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 24, 2017
[Related: New Images Of Tesla Model 3 Prototype Appears Online After Rare Outing]
However, it seems Musk has a thing for feeding the hypes surrounding what can be justly called one of the most widely anticipated cars of recent times. The Tesla boss also acknowledged that confusions are plentiful among some consumers about the Model 3 being just a “next version” of Tesla’s existing products. That, though, would be a wrong assessment to make, he pointed out.
Am noticing that many people think Model 3 is the "next version" of a Tesla, like iPhone 2 vs 3. This is not true.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 24, 2017
He also called himself “a dumb idiot” for coining the moniker Model 3, adding that back then he didn’t have the slightest clue that it could create confusion. To mitigate the scope for any further confusion, Musk explained that Model 3 will be similar to the Audi A4 or BMW 3 series if you considered Model S to be analogous to the BMW 5 and 6 series. Simply put, these will different card — both going up for sale side by side.
So, does the real-life Tony Stark plan to switch to the Model 3 when it finally arrives?
Turns out, he won’t. Musk stated that he would continue driving his Model S even after the Model 3’s general availability. He also shared with his followers that the Model 3 was originally supposed to be called the Model E. Had that happened, the cards would perhaps be known as Model S. E. X). But then, a Ford trademark lawsuit prevented the company from doing so.
Model 3 was going to be called Model E, for obvious dumb humor reasons, but Ford sued to block it, so now it is S3X. Totally different 🙂
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 24, 2017
[Related: Mass Cancellation Of Tesla Model 3 Could Be Fueled By Elon Musk’s Association With President Trump]