This is the most unguradable move in NBA 2k17 right now. It’s basically an NBA 2k17 glitch which seems to have skipped the prying eyes of the developer. Anyways, it’s best you take advantage of it as long as possible until a future patch or update removes it completely. This speed boosting dribble move is specifically for Playmakers.

nba 2k17 glitch
via gamefly

NBA 2k17 Glitch – Here’s how to use it

Playmakers, if you’re reading this, use this move all the time. It is absolutely amazing and very simple to execute. It’s not a Hesitation move at all but actually a Rhythm dribble move. At the moment, it is the most OP move. Well, until 2k doesn’t patch it. It might not look OP initially, but when executed by a really skilled Playmaker, it is unguardable and thus extremely OP.

This move can only be stopped by the most elite defenders and since there’s so few of them, there’s not much for you to worry about.

Go to your moves list in the options. Choose the Rhythm Dribbles Elite 7. Now, that is the entire move. As soon as you perform this move in the game, flick the left or right stick and you will notice an insane speed boost. Your player will rush to the basket in a matter of micro seconds. We’re seriously not joking. The movement speed becomes insane when you do it just as we told you to.

Also, don’t hold Turbo when doing this. Just flick the right or left stick up right after you start doing this move. This will not work if you press Turbo.

Let us know what you think about this NBA 2k17 glitch which gives you an insane speed boost. Stay tuned to MobiPicker for more such exploits and guides. We also have numerous guides to get badges in the game.


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