Talking about video players on Android, new Android phones don’t come with the best video players out of the factory. The stock players do not offer many features, which has given the chance to third-party video player apps to prove their mettle. In this case, the MX Player for Android is perhaps the most used video player app for Android phones and tablets. The app is so popular because of its easy-to-use interface and clutter-free design, and yeah, loads of features.

mx player for android

The MX Player has just received a new update today, and this update bumps up the version number to 1.8.4. The MX Player 1.8.4 APK weighs around 15.22 MB and is compatible with devices running Android 3.2 and above.

However, don’t get too excited about it, as this is a nightly build, meaning that this is just an early Alpha release and hasn’t even reached the Beta phase yet. Alpha releases contain bugs and are unstable, so they aren’t meant for use by regular users as the app may cause the device to go into reboot loops, crash, hang, etc. But if you like being an app tester and reporting the issues to the developer, or if you have no problem using such releases, then you can download MX Player 1.8.4 APK free from or other mirror sites.


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