iPhone 6s was launched a couple of days ago and is up for pre-order now. Among its amazing features like the 3D touch and the 12 MP camera, it also has the capability to record 4k videos. There has been a lot of buzz and discussion about this, because the base model of the iPhone 6s comes with only 16 GB of storage. This has given rise to the big question: ‘How much of a 4k video can be recorded with with only 16 GB?’

iPhone 6SHere is the answer:

The iOS 9 will take out a few gigabytes for the storage and with other basic applications, let us assume you have 12 GB of free space. Now, you should know that recording a 4k video at 30fps for only ONE minute will take about 375 MB. With those figures, if you record a 32-minute long 4k video at 30 fps, you will have no more space left.

Perhaps, you could think of switching to 1080p. If you record 1080p at 30fps, your 12 GB of space will allow you to record for an hour and a half, while at 60fps, you will run out of space in an hour. If you are planning to buy a 16 GB iPhone 6s, unfortunately, it is not recommended to use the 4k video recording at all; it would only use up space. If you really are a fan of shooting high quality videos and you want to stick to Apple, you will have to go for the 64 GB version.

Perhaps, this is exactly why the Apple didn’t come up with a 32 GB model… you can either buy the one with almost no space or go for the most expensive one! Does this mean sales for the 64 GB model will go up? Let us wait and watch!


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