Who would have thought that a simple game like Minecraft will be so popular that even Microsoft decided to buy it from the developers. It might be too outlandish to say that Minecraft is a boring game but the truth of the matter is, many gamers find it quite interesting. Originally released on the PC, Minecraft is now also available on other gaming consoles. Now, even the Nintendo Switch is getting its own version and it looks like it is coming pretty soon.

NIntendo Switch Minecraft

According to a Twitter post from Nintendo of America, the Nintendo Switch edition of the popular game will come be released on May 11. To make things a bit more interesting, Nintendo is throwing in a Super Mario Mash-up pack for the game.


It looks like Nintendo Switch gamers will have another reason to be happy this summer. So far, Nintendo has released a number of games for the portable gaming console. Furthermore, this summer is going to get more exciting as Nintendo plans on launching more Nintendo Switch titles and accessories.

At the moment, Minecraft seems to be doing good with consoles. So far, the game even received some spin-offs from game developer Telltale. With the game being added to the Nintendo Switch library, it will surely give the console its much needed boost, not that there is a dire need for it. However, for now, game titles on the Switch are somewhat limited. Many owners are still waiting for a number of games to be released. And now that the interest on the new Legend of Zelda game is starting to wane down, Nintendo will need more titles on the Switch.

Are you excited for the Nintendo Switch version of Minecraft? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.


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