Minecraft Console Edition Title Update 43 is jam packed with secrets and hidden stuff that takes a lot of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to discover. And we did just that. A creative game like Minecraft uses clever tricks to hide some cool stuff in the game. Thankfully, after a lot of grinding, we found a lot of stuff that most people haven’t discovered yet.

Minecraft Console Edition Title Update 43 lets you see under the ground once again using the X-Ray glitch
The X-Ray glitch gave players the ability to look all the way under the ground but it was later patched. But thanks to TU 43 and igloos, we can do it once again. The igloo must have a basement. When you’re descending down the stairs, change your view to third person and you will be able to see underground. Pretty damn cool.

Lava blocks don’t do any damage if you walk on them while crouched
The lave blocks are dangerous to any Minecraft players. However, a few players were able to get around it. If you walk over the lava block while crouched, you will get no damage.

Frost Walker boots don’t let magma blocks do damage to you
This is another sneaky thing that was added in Title Update 43. So, just put on the Frost Walker boots and walk on Magma blocks like you normally would. You won’t receive any damage as compared to when you would try to traverse while wearing normal boots. Go ahead, give it a try.

You can obtain Mending and Frost Walker from a Villager
Go to the Librarian and engage him. A barter inventory exchange will open up. However, this happens very rarely. Meaning that some Librarians will allow you to buy Mending and Frost Walker enchantments while nothing will happen with the others. So, it is essentially hit and miss.

You can mine Frosted Ice
Wear Frost Walker boots. Then walk up to the water and ice will form. Quickly take out a pick ax and beat at the ice before it thaws and disappears. You will get a new ice block which will be called Frosted Ice. It looks different from the normal Ice blocks. The main difference is that this block doesn’t melt in the night at all.

Let us know your thought about the Minecraft Console Edition Title Update 43.