It has long been rumored that the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 could be releasing pretty soon. It was initially reported that Microsoft might unveil the tablet back in October when it released the Surface Studio. However, it has been almost four months and the highly anticipated tablet is still out of sight. Fortunately, there are new updates that could possibly reengage would-be buyers of the Microsoft Surface Pro 5.

Surface Pro 5 might come with Hololen and Surface Dial support

According to International Business Times, while the Hololens may not get included in the Surface Pro 5 release, it would still be including support for the headset. The main reason for this is the fact that the Hololens is not exactly made for mass consumer use due to its very restrictive pricing.

On a more positive note, however, there is a high probability that the Surface Pro 5 will also support the Surface Dial. Given how cheap it is – $99 from the Microsoft Store – there is also a chance that Microsoft will add the actual hardware to the Surface Pro 5 bundle. The Surface Dial was first introduced back in October with the Surface Studio. The device is a digital knob that provided extra tools for applications like Paintbrush.

Another thing worth mentioning about the Microsoft Surface Pro 5 is the release date. Although Microsoft is yet to release an official statement about the launch of the tablet many have speculated that it could be coming sooner than expected. A number of pundits online believe that the tablet might get released along with the Windows 10 Creators update.

According to iTech Post, the purported release for the Surface Pro 5 could be as early as March 2017. However, as other would point out, Windows 10 Creators will be released sometime in April. With that in mind, Microsoft could use this opportunity to introduce the power of the new OS update with an exceptional product like the Surface Pro 5.

Unfortunately, all of these are mere rumors and there are no solid facts to support these claims. That is why readers are urged to take these reports with a grain of salt and trust that Microsoft will soon make the official announcement about the Surface Pro 5’s release.


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