Even before the afterglow of Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book fades the tech world, Microsoft seems to have filed a patent for something that looks like a surface computer. The computer is expected, from the images that are available, to be a modular PC with an open hardware platform that involves stackable parts. microsoft

Inspired By Project  Ara?

The architecture of the PC reminds one of Google’s (formerly Motorola’s) Project Ara, which aimed at distributing computer hardware and chips into modules that are stackable and removable. For a PC to have the same features, it would be extremely useful for potential buyers, especially because PCs such a this one are not upgradable and come with fixed parts. The user will then not have to worry about saving tons of money on upgrading to an all new computer. microsoft

While the patent is available on the internet, we are yet to hear the first word about the Surface PC from Microsoft itself. The images themselves show us the possibility of a surface dektop that contains modular elements, and that is all we can confirm at the moment. It is expected however, that just as the Surface Book is simply a high priced version of the Acer Aspire Switch, the surface computer too, would have lower priced versions of the same thing available form other buyer. Nonetheless, what the tech giant does with the epoch of technology such as this one is something that all of us can’t wait to see. microsoft


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