Xiaomi has tapped into the laptop market with the announcement of its Mi Notebook Air. The notebook is going to be shipped off with a screen size of 12.5 inches (powered by a Core M processor), and 13.3 inches (powered by a Core i5). Naturally, with the hardware present inside the 13.3-inch model, lots of consumers will probably end up purchasing this one.
Lately, My Drivers have conducted an intricate product review, and thanks to the closeness of the images captured, we have a fairly good idea of the amount of effort it took to release the Mi Notebook Air. Remember that this is the 13.3-inch model, on account that there is an NVIDIA sticker present at the back, along with ventilation ports that will allow the components to breath easily. The GPU present in the laptop is an NVIDIA GTX 940MX, and though it will not provide you with the best possible gaming performance in the latest titles, it’s still a fairly good addition for those that want to use the chip for light gaming sessions.
Following the approach of Apple’s 12-inch MacBook, Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air features a USB-C port and with it, you can charge the laptop itself, as well as smartphones that feature the same port. However, unlike the 12-inch MacBook, this notebook also possess a fairly diversified I/O panel in the form of HDMI and USB ports, so won’t have to worry about purchasing different accessories to simplify that experience.
One other great thing about the notebook is that it features a PCIe SSD with 256GB capacity and allows users to expand that storage through another port that has been dedicated for an SSD. All of this leads to the pricing of a fairly affordable $750, although the exchange rates, custom charges and other fees will force consumers to pay more for a notebook like this.
Irrespective, we want you to tell us how you feel getting closer to the Mi Notebook Air in the form of images.