Makoto Shinkai’s Your Name anime film has proved to be a massive hit on the box office. The anime film grossed more than 10 billion yen within 28 days of its release in Japanese theaters. It has topped the charts for consecutive four weeks so far and has sold more than 7.7 million tickers. With this anime film, Makoto Shinkai has become the second anime director ever to earn revenue over 10 billion yen.

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The movie’s plot revolves around Mitsuha and Taki, both high school students. However, Mitsuha lives in an idyllic rural town whereas Taki is based out of central Tokyo. The story follows their journey while they get to experience different locations and different lives as they swap bodies with each other. In the movie, the role of Taki Tachibana is played by Ryunosuke Kamiki whereas Mone Kamishiraishi is cast as Mitsuha Miyamizu.

The story has been written by Makoto Shinkai and the film is distributed by Toho. Masashi Ando of Spirited Away and Paprika fame acted as the animation director for the anime movie. The characters were designed by Masayoshi Tanaka of The Anthem of the Heart and Anohana.

Your Name is also scheduled for global release. The film had its world premiere in the Los Angeles during Anime Expo, earlier this year. It is expected that the anime movie will soon be rolled out in the US and 85 other countries.

The film clinched number one spot on its opening weekend and has continued the feat so far. It is based on the eponymous novel written by Shinkai. The novel was released in June this year by Kadokawa. The novel has sold more 1 million copies so far. The tally goes up to 1.82 million copies counting other tie-in books.


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