Making A Murderer – the American documentary television series that premiered on Netflix in December 2015 – featured 10 episodes, written and directed by Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos. Making A Murderer is one of the most widely viewed television series and has already generated a considerable amount of controversy. Season 1 of Making A Murderer, filmed over the course of ten years, explored the story of Steven Avery, a man from Manitowoc County, Wisconsin who served 18 years in prison for the wrongful conviction of sexual assault and attempted murder of Penny Beernsten, before being absolved from all charges in 2003 by DNA evidence. Viewers were hooked to the events around the arrest, prosecution and conviction of Avery’s nephew Brendan Dassey, who was also charged in the murder, based on his confession under interrogation.
Making A Murderer Season 2 Spoilers
Netflix has already confirmed the second season of Making A Murderer but hasn’t revealed the release date. Season 2, according to reports, will see Dassey’s freedom. In August, a judge had ordered for his release, citing that he was tricked by investigators into confessing that he aided his uncle in Halbach case. Season 2 will feature a mock trial, where the actors will try to recreate the actual scenes in the courtroom. Future episodes of Making A Murderer Season 2 will likely see the return of Prosecutor Ken Kratz, who seems to be interested in the outcome of events ever since Making A Murderer was released.
Season 2 is also likely to feature recorded conversations of Demos and Riccciardi with Avery. Fans are eagerly hoping that Season 2 will include lot more evidences than were shown in Season 1. Season 1 had become so popular that viewers had signed a petition asking the court to pardon both the convicts. Season 1, with over 25 million viewers, has set high expectations for Making A Murderer Season 2. And we’re sure Netflix won’t disappoint us!