In its attempt to revolutionise the Indian Telecommunication industry, Reliance group led by Mukesh Ambani has launched Jio, a 4G network aimed at providing low-cost high-speed internet services to the Indian consumers. In the same set of events, Reliance has been launching a series of low-cost budget smartphones loaded with tonnes of features under the brand name of LYF. The freebies available with these LYF smartphones are ample enough to make other telcos giants like Airtel, idea and Vodafone reconsider their marketing and pricing policies. Mr Mukesh Ambani announced the tariff plans for the Reliance Jio today. This was accompanied by the launch of Lyf Water 11, a 4G enabled phone into the Indian market at the price of only ₹8,199.
The LYF Water 11 is a dual-SIM (both slots support only Micro-SIM type) smartphone featuring a 5-inch LCD IPS HD (720×1280 pixels) display with a pixel density of 294ppi. The phone is powered by a quad-core MediaTek MT6735A processor clocked at a speed of 1.3 GHz and assisted with 3 GB of RAM. The 16 GB of internal storage can be expanded to 32 GB via an external micro SD card. It features a 13-megapixel autofocus rear camera and a 5-MP front-facing the camera for selfies and video calling. Other camera features include smile shot, auto scene detection, gesture capture, face detection, and video snapshot.
Connectivity options in LYF Water 11 include Bluetooth, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS, 3G, Micro-USB, USB-OTG and LTE Cat 4. Another highly advertised and emphasised the feature of LYF Water 11 is that it supports VoLTE (Voice over LTE), with Reliance Jio, customers get to make unlimited free VoLTE calls as of now. So this is something to boast about and it also ends the widening holes in your wallet. Though it is a 4G enabled phone but only one of the SIM can use 4G at one time so, the other SIM had to be kept on 2G all the time.
Another feature that might attract customers is that it runs Android 6.0 Marshmallow out of the box. LYF Water 11 packs a 2100mAh battery which according to the official statement will deliver up to 7 hours of talk time and a standby time of 300 hours on 4G network.
Again to remind you that like all other LYF smartphones, LYF Water 11 will come with a Reliance Jio SIM, and after Ambani’s AGM address on Thursday, we are expecting it to join the league of Welcome Offer and provide customers with unlimited data, VoLTE calling, SMS, and free limited access to Jio Premium apps. LYF Water 11 will be sold online and offline through Reliance Digital and Digital Express at the price of ₹8,199.