It has been almost two months since the LG G5 was launched, and the phone really gained a lot of appreciation for being innovative. The device comes packed with the latest tech and features that every Android user would love, including Quick Charge 3.0. This technology helps charge the battery faster, which is an added boon over the removable battery module of the G5.
However, you will be shocked to know that even though the LG G5 supports Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 3.0 technology, the charger that comes with the phone inside the box only supports Quick Charge 2.0! The detail has been brought to attention by our friend Jim Lu from Tronsmart, who manufacture QC 3.0 compatible chargers.
First of all, this is a very disappointing fact that LG should not have hidden from its buyers, or else it should have packed a QC 3.0 charger with the phone. Secondly, the fact has been confirmed by a member of the XDA forum, who wrote to LG about this and got an official response too. The authorities who responded said that the charger was indeed a QC 2.0 charger and not QC 3.0 as the company advertised. The officials sincerely apologized for the inconvenience and disappointment, but it was clear that they couldn’t do anything about it.
So it’s clear that if you own an LG G5 and want to reap the benefits of Quick Charge 3.0, it won’t be possible with the stock charger that is preloaded in the G5’s box. You can buy good aftermarket chargers, like the Tronsmart QC 3.0 chargers, the company from where we got tipped about this news. The guys used an ammeter data to check the amount of voltage the charger was using, which was then used to determine if it was QC 2.0 in action or the QC 3.0.
The Tronsmart WC1T QC 3.0 wall charger has received good reviews from experts. Using it with your LG G5 will give you lower charging temperature, 38% more efficiency and 16% faster charging speed. So go grab one if you own a G5.