The LG G Pad 2 has just got a new variant today that carries the Snapdragon 615 chipset. The company had launched an 8-inch and a 10.1-inch version of the G Pad II in early 2015, and now the company has come out with an 8.3-inch variant. Named LG G Pad II 8.3 LTE, the tablet offers some nice specs under the hood.

For starters, the LG G Pad II 8.3 LTE comes with a namesake 8.3-inch Full HD display. The tablet is powered by an 64-bit octa-core Snapdragon 615 processor with the Adreno 405 GPU. The device gets 2GB RAM and 16GB expandable storage, and the lights are kept on by a 4,800 mAh battery (non-removable).

lg g pad II 8.3 lte

Talking about the camera configuration, the G Pad II 8.3 LTE comes with an 8MP camera on the back and a 2MP camera on the front. The tablet measures 216.8 x 126.5 x 8.8mm and weighs 366 grams. Connectivity options include 4G LTE, GPS, Bluetooth 4.1, and Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n. And yes, the tablet also gets a built-in stylus.

The LG G Pad II 8.3 LTE gets Android 5.1.1 Lollipop pre-installed and comes with some pre-loaded software including Microsoft Office apps. Though the price is not known, the tablet has gone on sale in South Korea.


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