Taric, the Shield of Valoran of League of Legends recently got a complete rework courtesy Riot Games, and now Riot has revealed a Champion Spotlight for the game, embedded far below, that shows off all of the character’s abilities as well as his new lore.
Taric’s lore now states that he is a disgraced and exiled Demacian who climbs Mount Targon to redeem himself and gains his newfound powers at the peak. The whole gem theme has been replaced by themes of protection and shining stars. Previously, he was a Gem Knight from a world where Magic is considered to be evil.
Taric’s new abilities seem to be oriented towards making him a strong support in competitive play, with three skills focused on keeping teammates healthy, and a stun mechanic that should be of use in team fights. His downside appears to be that he’s not particularly strong against magic damage, and his passive is also not all that powerful.
Riot has not yet announced which other characters will get the rework treatment. Have a look at the Champion Spotlight below, and let us know what you think about it in the comments.