Lava has launched a new low-budget phone in Indian market, dubbed Lava Flair P1i. The phone comes at the genuinely competitive price tag of Rs. 2,999.

lava flair p1i, launch, india, price, image, specs, featuresRunning Android 4.4.2 KitKat Operating System, the Lava Flair P1i comes with a 4-inch display with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. It packs 256MB of RAM, 512MB of expandable storage, and a 1,400mAh battery.

Powered by a 1GHz single-core processor, the Lava Flair P1i is garnished with a 2MP primary shooter, and a VGA front-facing camera. As far as connectivity comes to the question, it includes, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE, USB.

With the Dual SIM Capability, the Lava Flair P1i will be available in Black, and White colors.


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