WhatsApp is the most used messaging app across all mobile platforms and has gained popularity from scratch. It may not bring the latest features like document sharing and video calling, but it still is the most-preferred among all the messaging apps for smartphones. LINE, Viber, WeChat, etc. don’t stand a chance to beat WhatsApp because of its originality.
WhatsApp has been provided with updates regularly, and a new update has been released just today. The new WhatsApp 2.12.438 APK can be downloaded for free now. The APK file weighs 23.12 MB and works even with the older Android 2.1 and above. It is available on the Play Store and also on mirror sites like apkmirror.com.
Talking about the changes in the new WhatsApp 2.12.438 update, you won’t notice any significant additions. Just bug fixes and performance improvements are expected with this update. Other than this, such updates are released only to provide stability to the app. Anyway, you should still get this update to make the app speedier on your phone and to prepare it for future updates.
Meanwhile, users are still awaiting the video call feature that is present in other messaging apps but is not still present in WhatsApp. We’ll keep you updated regarding the developments of WhatsApp. You can download the latest update here.