It’s been confirmed that later this week anyone who has purchased a smartphone who’s price exceeds the Rs. 10,000 line will receive a Jio 4G SIM Card for absolutely no extra charge. Additionally, they will also be entitled to receive the Jio Preview Offer that gives them 90 days of free internet and calling. If you’re interested in availing the offer, then you can visit any reliance digital outlet or their authorized stories, but you will have to be a little patient as not all stores have been informed of these freebies.

In fact, it is always good practice to wait till the official confirmation has been brought to light because then it will allow all the stores to be informed of the latest offer. The benefit of this is that you will not walk into the store or retail outlet with your jaw dropping to the floor finding out that none of the store employees were debriefed on the offer.

Jio 4G SIM card on Rs. 10,000 smartphone

The Jio Preview Offer is when the owner of the SIM is entitled for 90 days free of cost service that will include the 4G Data, VoLTE calls, and Access to premium eight Jio apps ranging from movies, on-demand video content, music, storage, security, and more

Keep a lookout on the latest news when the company publicly makes the announcement, because there are lots of consumers who will want to avail the offer. Since purchasing a Rs. 10,000 smartphone has become a walk in the park for thousands of people, you might find enormous crowds at these retail outlets. In light of what we have told you, stay vigilant for any updates and attempt to visit your most nearest outlet so you don’t have to suffer the grief of waiting for extended hours.


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