It’s been a long time since rumours about Apple’s plan to adopt OLED displays on iPhones, but the fact that the iPhone 7 still use the LCD technology has made many people believe that change will never happen. If you are part of this group do not believe it anymore, Tai Jeng-wu, president of Sharp and Foxconn executive, has a message for you.


In a speech to students at the University of Tatung this last weekend, Jeng-wu confirmed that the next iPhone will, yes, count on OLED display and Apple will leave once the LCD. “The iPhone has evolved and is now changing the LTPS technology for OLED panels,” he said. “We do not know if the iPhone with OLED will be successful, but if Apple does not reinvent itself, there will be no innovation,” he opined the executive, making clear that transition image display technology is an important strategy for Apple to recall consumers’ attention, especially after the first decline in 15 years in the company’s revenues.

Although it has invested heavily in the development of LCD technology and now the iPhone be recognized as the best display device of this type, adopt OLED screens allow more battery saving and other possibilities – such as folding and flexible displays.

For years Sharp and Foxconn are among the main partners of Apple in the manufacture of iPhones and the information that has come from an executive of both companies gives a certain credibility to the whole story. Jeng-wu itself was unable to specify the exact timing of such a transition. Still, he assured that Sharp is already working on developing OLED panels: “We are building new facilities to manufacture OLED panels in Japan.”

Many people speculated that the iPhone 8 that will be released next year will feature a number of innovations and the new display can be one of them. What do you think? Will it ever happen?


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