Apple iPhone 7 will be released in India on October 7th. The heavily priced smartphones often deter users from buying them. While certain people go to great lengths to get the best possible deal. In India, people extra conscious about paying the right price. Let’s take a look at iPhone 7 Price in different countries and find out which Which Country Is Getting The Cheapest Apple iPhone 7?


In India, the Apple iPhone 7 32GB variant is priced at Rs. 60,000. While in the US, the smartphone was launched at $649 [approx. Rs. 43,400]. Now, that’s a huge price difference, especially for Indian customers. Other countries with such low prices include Hong Kong [approx. Rs. 48,200], Japan [approx. 47,350], UAE [approx. Rs. 47,300], and Canada [approx. Rs. 46,100]. However, these prices do not include local taxes, which vary from country to country. In some countries like UK and India, the price includes taxes, while in others like the United States, taxes are not included in the price as they vary from state to state.

The Apple iPhone 7 32GB is priced higher in countries like Italy [approx. Rs. 59,900], Norway [approx. Rs. 59,750], Sweden [approx. Rs. 58,900], and New Zealand [approx. Rs. 58,800]. The new smartphone is priced at approx. 58,400 in Portugal, Ireland, Finland, and Denmark. While people from Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Spain can get it for approx. Rs. 57,600. The Apple iPhone 7 will cost approx. Rs. 56,900 in Germany and Austria. In Luxembourg, it will cost approx. Rs. 55,700.

In the middle, countries like Mexico, Australia, and China will be offered the new iPhone for approx. Rs. 55,000, Rs. 54,500, and Rs. 53,800, respectively. The UK price for the new smartphone is Approx. Rs. 53,100. In Switzerland, Taiwan, and Singapore it has been priced at approx. Rs. 51,900.

The above-mentioned prices of the iPhone 7 32GB have been taken from Apple’s website for each region.


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