Samsung, along with the whole world, is getting ready for the release of the Samsung Galaxy S8. The device should be revealed on March 28, with the sales starting on April 21. Almost every single detail is known about the device, even though we are still ten days away from the release event.
Now, some rumors started circling, hinting that Samsung could offer the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus in a shiny black color option. This isn’t very surprising since the Korean company unveiled a glossy “Black Pear” Galaxy S7 Edge version near the end of 2016, after noticing how large a popularity the iPhone 7 Jet Black managed to garner.
A couple of pictures came from a Slashleaks user going by the name of “Dimitri12”. As you can see below, the first pictures the backside of the device, but without details like camera, or fingerprint sensor. The other, however, shows accurate placements of the camera and fingerprint sensor along with the Samsung branding, and the phone sports a shiny black color.
Although one could say the images are fake, especially since the first one shows just the empty backside, the user does have 93 percent accuracy rating. Could Samsung offer a “black pearl” color option for the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus from the start? That’s highly likely since the glossy black version of the Galaxy S7 Edge managed to attract lots of attention.