Rumors have been circulating the web regarding the upcoming Apple iPad Air 3 tablet’s release date, specifications and expected price. And the current wave of rumors suggest that the new device will feature a 4K resolution display along with 4GB of RAM and hardware capability largely similar to 2013’s iPhone 5s.
A recent report by Digitimes, which is based on Taiwan-based supply chain makers, states that the iPad Air 3 will have a bigger battery than its predecessor, iPad Air 2, which explains the new high-resolution display.
The report also mentions that the screen size of the new tablet will be 9.7 inches but the iPad Air 3 is unlikely to have the company’s iconic 3D Touch feature. Regarding its release, the tablet models will be unveiled in March 2016, the report added.
The new tablet display is reportedly being made by GIS, General Interface Solution, with TPK Holding supplying the touch panels. The report claims that GIS will be responsible for manufacturing the LCD modules and the Backlighting Products.
The supply chain makers predict that the demand for the touch panel will be slightly increased by Apple in the first half of 2016 due to the increase in the orders received for the 3D Touch feature.
It is also worth mentioning that the launch of the iPad Air 3 will go alongside the 4-inch iPhone 5se smartphone and Apple Watch 2. There have been suggestions that the upcoming 4-inch iPhone will have the same hardware specifications as in the iPhone 5s with only one difference, a curved glass design as in iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s.
We’d expect the iPad Air 3 to be available in Apple’s now-standard three iOS device color options: silver, space grey and gold.