On Thursday, Huawei launched Mate 9, which is the company’s most advanced smartphone to date. It also launched a new fitness tracker, Huawei Fit. As opposed to the Mate 9, the new wearable has gotten mixed reception so far. Let’s see how it compares with the other fitness trackers in the market. Here’s our Huawei Fit vs. FitBit Charge 2 vs. Samsung Gear Fit 2 Comparison:
Design and Display
The Huawei Fit stands out in the looks department, thanks to its round display [black and white]. It sports a 1.04-inch touchscreen with 208 x 208 pixel resolution. While the FitBit Charge 2 sports a sleek display, the Gear Fit 2 features a bulkier display OLED display. However, the Huawei Fit’s display is prone to smudges, especially fingerprints. Also, you can’t adjust its brightness.
With its 11.2mm silver-colored aluminium case, the Huawei Fit is thinner than other smartwatches. Also, there are no knobs or buttons on the frame, except for a reset button.
Battery Life
The Huawei Fit claims to last up to six days on full charge. In comparison, the FitBit Charge 2 lasts up to five days. While the Gear Fit 2 only offers 3-4 days of battery life, thanks to its full-color OLED display.
Fitness Tracking
All three fitness trackers come with standard health monitoring features. These can easily monitor your pulse and heart rate along with tracking calories, fat burning, distance and sleep, etc. The fitness trackers also offer special notifications, if the user has been idle for long. Different training modes for runners are also offered on the three wearable.
The Huawei Fit is priced at $129. While the expensive Gear Fit 2 costs $180, the Fitbit Charge 2 is available at $149.
The Huawei Fit, sporting a minimalist design, wins in multiple facets on paper including the price and battery life. We will have for the tests in real world environment.