Horizon Zero Down is one of the PS4 smash hits of 2017, but the game came with its own band of bugs. The 1.03 update should address some of them.

The update is available to download both on PS4 and PS4 Pro. It weighs in at 227.9MB and, according to developers, includes “multiplayer crash and progression fixes” as well as the performance of the game both on the PS4 and PS4 Pro.

horizon zero dawn

Guerilla games haven’t shared more details but some players noticed that, after the patch, there are some changes. They are listed below:

  • Added response time with camera movements, slowed down camera movements.
  • POV is closer to Aloy.
  • Added motion blur when spinning the camera.

On the other hand, it seems that the Hunter Blind glitch has not been solved. The bug could stop your progress, so it may be addressed in some future update. Also, the crash happening to some players, preventing them from seeing the opening movie isn’t fixed. Developers promised that they will fix it with the next patch. Until the next patch arrives, Guerilla games shared a workaround solution for the crash.

Guerrilla Reddit post reads, “Following up on our message from yesterday, we are aware that a small number of users are suffering a crash during cinematic sequences when playing Horizon: Zero Dawn, most notably in the opening cinematic,”

“In the meantime, we believe we have a potential, temporary workaround for users that play the game from Blu-ray disc. Please note that these steps may not solve the issue for all the users.”

The solution isn’t the best one, but at least it’s here. Below you can find a step-by-step guide, coming from developers.

  • After the game has crashed please restart your PS4.
  • After your PS4 has restarted, leave the Horizon Zero Dawn disc in the PS4 for 2 hours while the PS4 is powered on and idle.
  • Then start the game again.
  • Viewing the intro cinematic: If you missed a part of the intro cinematic, you can view it again from the main menu of the game – Extras > Intro Movie.


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