The Samsung Galaxy S7 seems to have become the center of all rumors after the recent announcement of the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus by Apple. As per the information received from the sources, Samsung has been able to shorten the development cycle for it upcoming Galaxy S7 through innovative ideas in project management. According to a Korean media source, the Galaxy S7 will be on the production line in January ’16 and will be unveiled by the end of February ’16, which means there will be a gap of one year between the new device and Galaxy S6.
The more interesting thing is the deployment of two different chipsets in the devices. These chipsets will be Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820 and Exynos M1. Some technology enthisiasts predict that the Galaxy S7 will have more units housing the Exynos M1 than the Snapdragon 820.
The two versions of the Galaxy S7 may come in different screen sizes. One of the variations of device will come with a 5.2-inch screen while the other is expected to have a 5.8-inch screen. Looking at the huge difference between the screen sizes for same model, this will be a first by the manufacturer,
Like the HTC One M8 and the Huawei Honor 6 Plus, the Galaxy S7 might have a dual camera setup for users looking for advanced photography options. Looking at the current rage of dual camera technology, we can barely wait to see what Samsung has to add to the race!