The stylish Samsung Galaxy Note Edge was launched in selected markets back in November. The Note Edge has unique curved display which looks very different and stylish. It has already made entry in US and UK in the same month of its release and subsequently to Germany with a voting contest. The Note Edge is now ready to enter in Indian market with a price tag of Rs. 65,000 in first week of January 2015. The Edgy phone will be available in three colour choice; charcoal frost, white and black.
The Note Edge offers everything the other Note series comes loaded with, especially the S-Pen Stylus. The Edgy Note has got plenty of features with a pretty 5.6 inch Super AMOLED display with 2560×1600 px resolution. The phone is powered by qualcomm snapdragon 805 2.7GHz quad core processor and running on Android Kitkat with 3GB of RAM. In addition, there’s a 16 MP auto focus camera with LED flash placed at the back and 3.7MP front facing camera. Essential attributes are 4G, 3G, 2G, NFC, Wifi, IR, Bluetooth and GPS. An 3000 mAh battery with fast charging ability powers the Note. In terms of storage, the Note Edge has two variants, One is with built-in storage of 32 GB and other with 64 GB. Both variants are blessed with a microSD card slot expandable upto 128 GB. You can also check full specs of Edgy Note.
Hence, the Note Edge is limited Edition, it should note be widely available to all shops. We think, it should reach to select shops in first week of January 2015. The price tag Rs. 65,000 seems to be little high as per Indian market, but we should not forget the specs also.
What do you say about Note Edge? Let us know!