Rumors regarding the specs of the soon-to-be-released Samsung Galaxy Note 7 had it that the device will sport a 3,600mAh or 4,000mAh battery. However, South Korea Telecom published the Note 7 information page, suggesting that the device will have a 3,500mAh battery.

galaxy note 7

Samsung has in the past few moths confirmed some of the internal specs of the Note 7 that includes an iris scanner, curved QHD display, 64GB internal storage, a microSD slot which can support 256GB card, and 4GB RAM. The page published by South Korea Telecom confirms all these specs. The Note 7 will weigh 169g, which is two grams less than Galaxy Note 5, its foreganger. The device will measure 7.39 x 15.35 x 0.79 cm (W x L x H).

Samsung released the Galaxy S7 earlier this year with a battery capacity of 3,600mAh. Few of us expected the Korean company to produce a device as powerful as the Note 7 with a battery capacity 100mAh less than the S7. Do let us know what you think about this turn of events in the comments section.


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