Samsung was working on a new device under the dropped curtains as per the rumour we heard in last month is now confirmed as they are now ready to launch Galaxy J5 by the end of the 2015. Basis the information received from TENAA (Chinese certification agency) for the phone with model number SM-J500F, it looks like that it will be a mid–range category phone.


Galaxy J5 will have a 5-inch display and is powered by quad-core Snapdragon 410 throbbing at 1.2GHz with 1.5GB of RAM and 8GB of onboard storage for both the OS and your data. It will be supporting a microSD card slot along with 2,600mAh battery and 13MP rear snapper and 5MP selfie camera.

It will have a removable rear cover and user-replaceable battery. Currently the exact price at which it will hit the market shelves is not known. Also we have to wait for more news on the Galaxy J5 to ascertain when and which market will see the curtain raiser event of this smartphone.


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