The next major update, Android N, has already been announced and will be launched soon. However, a lot of manufacturers have still not completed the Android Marshmallow roll-out for a lot of their phones. Samsung is one of those companies, and it has still not released the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update for  Galaxy A5 (2016), Galaxy A7 (2016), Galaxy A8 (2016), Galaxy J3 (2016), Galaxy J5 (2016), Galaxy J7 (2016), Galaxy Alpha, Galaxy Tab S2, and more devices.

samsung galaxy a5 (2016) india launch

Of course, the flagship devices from the company have already been updated to Marshmallow. The only exception is the Galaxy A9 that has received the Marshmallow update in China only. In US and South Korea, the Galaxy J5 (2016) and Galaxy J7 (2016) run on Android 6.0 Marshmallow but are still on Lollipop in other markets. The company hasn’t announced the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow release date for the Galaxy J and Galaxy A series of devices.

According to an IBTimes report, the Galaxy A8 will receive the Marshmallow update soon. Also, the A5 and A7 will receive the updates too along with the Galaxy Alpha, Galaxy Tab S2, and Galaxy J3 (2016). If you are using Galaxy S5 or S6 phones or the Galaxy Note 4 or Note 5, then you should already have received the Marshmallow update.


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