And you thought the executions of Jason in Mortal Kombat X were absurdly violent. Wait till you see this (or don’t, because it’s definitely not for the faint of heart). We decided to watch the entire trailer for you and have decided to compile a list of all the ways you can execute innocent teenagers in the upcoming slasher/ survival-horror PvP. Here is our Friday the 13th Trailer Impressions.

Friday the 13th Trailer Impressions – Jump at them from the water
Those who watched the original film could recall this scene. In the 1980 slasher flick Friday the 13th, Jason jumps out of the water to grab the last survivor and try to take her with himself back into the water. Well, the heroine escapes in the film, too bad it won’t be the same for the unwary victims stupid enough to go on a boat ride all alone in the middle of the night.

Press the eyes really hard to burst them
Grab the tiny human by the neck and then press on their eyeballs hard enough and long enough to blow open their eyeballs.

Axe them
Pick them up and throw them on the ground. Then take an axe and violently land it onto their stomach. But wait, they’re not dead yet. So, to finish them off just take another swing to their neck. How To Deal With Annoying Campers 101.

Crush their head with your foot
Ah! Just like in the old days. Throw them on the ground and crack open their skull with your boot.

Friday the 13th Trailer Impressions – Throw them in the fire
Another old-fashioned but thoroughly enjoyed method. Take your struggling victim by the neck and toss them in the nearest fire. If you’re in a cabin with a fire place then that’s even better. Also, make sure to hold their head into the fire until the flames rot their flesh and brain.

Crush their skulls with your hands
Grab them by the skull and press really hard. After a while, you’ll hear the satisfying crack and your victim will fall to their demise on the ground.

Nope, not how they did it in the film. This time, you add some flavor to it and shove the pitchfork into the person’s head instead of their stomach.

Crack open their skull against a wall
Just pin them against a wall and press your hand against their forehead really hard. Won’t be long till you hear the sound of a skull breaking.

Pitchfork… Again!
This time, we do it like in the movies. Shove a pitchfork into their stomach and pull them from the ground and hold them in mid-air until the life energy completely drains out of them.

Shove a poker down their throat
Grab them by the neck and hold them down near your waistline. Take a poker and shove it down their neck through the mouth. But it doesn’t end there, as you get to see them struggle on the ground as they try to get the poker wedged deep into their throat. Too bad they die really quickly.

Pick axe to the spine
Pick up a miner’s pick axe and lob it into the back of an unsuspecting backpacker. But don’t just take it out yet, have some fun with it. Move the pick axe a bit while it’s still stuck into the person’s spine. Keep doing it until you don’t see them struggling anymore.

Spear through the face
Here have a spear *shoves it through your mouth* just imagine the scene from terminator 2 Judgement Day where the bad Terminator kills John’s step-father by shoving a blade through his mouth.

Cut off their arms with a machete and then finish them off
Throw them on the ground. First, cut off one arm. Then the other. And finally take an aim for their head and finish the kill.

Let us know what you think of our Friday the 13th trailer impressions so far.