Flipkart is offering a cool deal on the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6 (Space Grey, 16GB) is offered for Rs. 31,990, Rs. 5,000 less than the original price. But that’s not all; if you decide to buy the device with exchange you can get a discount of up to Rs. 22,000 and get the phone for as low as Rs. 9,990, including the current Rs. 5,000 discount.

iphone 6s, rumors, leaks, ram, camera, chipset

If you own an Axis Bank Buzz Credit Card you can get an additional 5 percent discount. Of course, the maximum value of Rs. 22,000 if deciding to exchange your old handset for the new iPhone 6 can be received only for top models, like the iPhone 6s. But, probably no one will decide to sell their iPhone 6s for a model that’s one generation behind.

Other, more likely models to get exchanged, such as Moto X Play, Xiaomi Mi 4, OnePlus One, and Asus ZenFone 2, can get you discounts from Rs 4,000 to Rs. 6,000. In other words, if you own a solid Android smartphone, exchanging it for an iPhone 6 can lower your price up to Rs 11,000, meaning that you can buy the iPhone 6 for around Rs. 20,990, which still is a solid price.

Oh, and be aware that only Space Grey 16 GB version is at a discount; if you want to buy 16 GB Silver variation, it still sports the price of Rs. 36,990, although the exchange offer is applicable, offering a max of Rs 20,000 discount. Flipkart is also offering an exchange deal of up to Rs. 20,000 for all models of the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus.

The iPhone 6 launched back in 2014, bringing updated design, larger screen, and improved camera.


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