A month ago, Square Enix reported its plans for Final Fantasy XV updates going ahead, and they’re very much complete by now. They hope to incorporate the ordinary (sponsor packs and other play improvements to make it easy for players to enjoy the game). Then again, they likewise incorporate more eager material (whole playable situations concentrating on Noctis’ colleagues Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto).

final fantasy xv combat dlc
via square portal

Hajime Tabata has something to say in regards to Final Fantasy XV’s DLC Chapter 13

US Gamer connected with executive Hajime Tabata to take in somewhat more about the reasoning behind FFXV’s further developments. This significantly surpasses the kind of increments players have generally expected for any single-player role-playing game not created by Bethesda. Continuous substance pushes ought to be just the same old thing new to enthusiasts of multiplayer Final Fantasy titles. Moreover, players need to recall how A Realm Reborn totally reinvented Final Fantasy XIV, through and through. Be that as it may, it’s an atypical approach for a single player, story-driven game like FFXV. By this point, most hardcore fans will have effectively completed the game. So what’s the point, many inquire?

Tabata acknowledges the uncertainty surrounding the DLC plan. “The reason it sparked debate was probably because we announced that we will continue to update a single-player game,” he says. “This model has not been fully established yet. The fans who have grown accustomed to playing traditional Final Fantasy games may feel uneasy about this unfamiliar initiative. That said, I personally believe the approach to updating single-player games, as we are doing with this title, will continue on in the future as a new trend.”

Source: US Gamer


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