Riding Animals
On the last page, we discussed how you might be able to tame animals in Far Cry Primal. Now it’s time to go a step beyond, and actually sit on one, and have them take you wherever you want to go. It’s called riding.
You can ride the two Apex Predator-tamed animals: the Brown Bear and the Sabretooth Tiger. You can also ride the Great Beasts of Oros, but you’ll have to unlock their hunting quests and defeat them first.
To ride beasts, you need to unlock a set of skills that can be found under Karoosh’s skill set. Save your skill points for the Mammoth Rider skill, after which you’ll eventually have access to the Beast Rider skill. Once you have the requisite skills unlocked, waltz right up to a tamed Brown Bear or Sabretooth Tiger and hold down the button you’d use to feed them. Takkar will instead mount the animal and you’re all set to go gallivanting about Oros with your new, furry friend.
You can also attack while riding! On the PS4, you can have the animal attack by pressing R3, and attack yourself with your weapon using R2. You get quite a bit of experience for attacking while riding (as your very well should, I mean you’re riding a Sabretooth tiger!), but it’s really hard to control both yourself and the animal effectively while attacking, so there’s a tradeoff.
Know any more tips and tricks for Far Cry Primal? Let us know in the comments below!