As you are probably aware, recently a Facebook live video claiming to be happening simultaneously as two astronauts stationed at the International Space Station (ISS) ventured outside into naked space went viral on social media everywhere. The footage saw millions of viewers hooked on their screens in awe as the spacewalk unfolded right before their eyes – or so they thought.

Via Naked Security
Via Naked Security

To the disappointment of many, NASA quickly clarified that the live video was  just an elaborate hoax.

According to the Daily Mail, even a number of popular media outlets such as Viral USA and UNILAD fell for the hoax and shared the video clip, drawing millions of views, likes and shares. Meanwhile, Naked Security reports that the hoax video was probably the same as the one from 2013 that shows ISS Expedition 38, as well as a spacewalk by Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Sergei Ryazanski,

As per the information available in the public domain, not a single astronaut on the ISS has ventured outside since September 1, 2016. Had there been an actual live streaming scheduled on that date, it would have been officially announced on the official NASA site and the official ISS Facebook page.

By the way, this is the spot where viewers can watch actual live streaming from the ISS.


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