Elephone P8000 has been in talks since couple of weeks for its India launch. Earlier it was expected that phone will hit the Indian marketplace on August 9th, but this day also passed as usual. Now according to a latest report, the Chinese startup has partnered with the Auxus of iberry to establish the Elephone P8000 in India. Interestingly, the phone will now called “Auxus PRIME P8000”.
Based on a statement from Elephone, “Auxus PRIME P8000 is a specially customized version of Elephone P8000 for Indian Customers using the support of all Indian frequencies and bands, particularly 4G LTE TDD B40 with 2300MHz frequency”. The smartphone is now expected to launch exclusively on Snapdeal, by the August end. Though there is nothing official on the price clarification, earlier leaks suggests a 11k to 12k price range.
Powered by an octa-core 1.5GHz MTK6753 CPU, the Auxus PRIME P8000 sports a 5.5-inch Full HD display with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. It comes with Android 5.0 pre-installed, 3GB of RAM, and 16 GB of built-in storage. The rear beauty is enhanced with a 13MP lens and an LED flash. A 5MP camera shoots the selfie and enable video calls.
As far as connectivity matters, the P8000 includes 4G LTE, 3G HSPA , GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (2.4 & 5 GHz). The all refreshing features work with the help of a whopping 4,200mAh battery.
Any takers?