Tom Clancy’s The Division started weak, with lots of bugs and optimization problems, one of the reasons why The Survival DLC came this late. DLC was planned to be released months ago, the date was moved forward in order for the game to get patched before Survival lands. This was a good move from Ubisoft, it’s always nice to see game publishers fix and patch their game instead just shelling out new content without working on the problems the main game faces.

Via Kotaku
Via Kotaku

Anyway, DLC is just around the corner, bringing survival mechanics into the popular multiplayer title. The DLC brings a new game mode in which players must fight against the elements, other players, and the lack of gear in order to reach the center of the map, the Dark Zone. The Survival plays as a separate game mode, it’s completely optional and you won’t be forced to play it.

Via Kotaku
Via Kotaku

In the new game mode, players are stripped out of their equipment, left to battle with others, in the area around Manhattan. The mode is limited to 24 players, featuring the full map of the original game. Other players and lack of equipment (all participants will start with basic gear) won’t be the only problems players will face. They have to survive the blizzard, raging in the city, while being cold hungry and sick. The antiviral drug, the main goal of the Survival, is placed in the center, inside a Dark Zone. The map is massively re-worked in order to depict the effects of the blizzard, with lots of snow and harsh weather.

Via Kotaku
Via Kotaku

The Survival limits players to not die within a two-hours period, fighting against other human players, powerful new enemies, the blizzard, hunger, disease, and lack of equipment. The upcoming DLC will be a joy for all gamers wanting to test their limits, loving the survival aspect of The Division, yearning for an ultimate challenge. The DLC brings the competitive layer to the game, making it more exciting and more challenging. The Survival should come along with the patch 1.5, which still doesn’t have a release date. PC players can play a beta version of Survival right now on the game’s public test server. The test server is available via Uplay, and should soon be available on Steam.



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