Please note: There is an update that will download and install before you play the game. Before you play, remember to make sure that you’re online so you get the update. That’s what the main Bethesda page for Dishonored 2 says. A Reddit user has reported that the new patch for Xbox One and PS4 is almost 9 GB. So, if you waited really long to play the game, you’ll have to wait a few hours longer. But is the wait even worth it? What changes and improvements do we get from the Day One patch?

dishonored 2
via bethesda

What does the Dishonored 2 Day One patch have in store for Xbox One & PS4 players?

The update history talks about a lot of improvements the day one patch introduces. Improved texture streamer, shadow quality, reloading time, audio mix, framerate performance. They also Added mid-mission stats screen and screenshot preview for saved games and various bug fixes.

However, we still have a lot of questions regarding the story arc of the game. Do Corvo and Emily and go through different plots that take place in tangent or is it the same plot and you’re just playing as one or the other? If it’s the same plot then it means the plot can’t be too deep or complex because it has to accommodate both of them. That also means they go through all the same locations and levels, and the plot’s flow and outcomes are dependent on the actions you take as whichever character you play.

This game looks a a lot fun, definitely, a story driven game but it has wide open levels. Not too many cutscenes, and it has a nice balance of gameplay and story to it. Trust us, if you pick it up now and play it, you won’t regret it. Anyways, let us know what you think of Dishonored 2.


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