Despicable Me 3 – the 2017 American 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Illumination Entertainment and released by Universal Pictures – is the third installment in the Despicable Me film series. Directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda and co-directed by Eric Guillon, it’s the sequel to Despicable Me 2. The movie premiered on June 14, 2017, at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Despicable Me 3 revolves around Gru teaming up with his long lost twin Dru in order to defeat a new enemy named Balthazar Bratt. Universal Pictures released Despicable Me 3 in the United States on June 30, 2017. And as has been the case with most Hollywood movies, Despicable Me 3 full movie has been made available online for download on several illegal sites.
Despicable Me 3 full movie download available online on illegal movie sites
It happened with Pirates of the Caribbean 5. It has happened with Wonder Woman and Transformers: The Last Knight. And now, it has happened with Despicable Me 3. A simple search for Despicable Me 3 full movie download shows up links to several sites that are illegally hosting the movie. It comes as no surprise that Despicable Me 3 is the latest movie to be hit by online piracy.
Besides online streaming, there are also several torrent download links available for full Despicable Me 3 movie. Although the print quality isn’t that good, it serves the purpose for those who are eager to watch movies for free online. Once the movie shows up on one of the illegal sites, naturally other illegal sites will start uploading the print. It becomes really difficult to monitor the innumerable movie sites that are hosting Despicable Me 3 full movie download for free.
Downloading Despicable Me 3 from illegal sites, of course, is illegal and can warrant action. Worse, you may end up downloading malware and your PC may become vulnerable to ransomware attacks. It’s advisable to not download pirated movies from illegal sites. Authorities and distribution companies the world are taking stringent actions against rampant movie piracy. And it looks like Despicable Me 3 will be no exception.
Recently, WWE Studios filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court of Connecticut, requesting action on all those who infringed WWE Studios’ copyright by unlawfully acquiring, reproducing and distributing WWE Studios’ production – The Eliminators. World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Studios Finance has sued a group of BitTorrent users. And the company has the list of IP addresses of all users who downloaded the movie illegally and is demanding a fine of $150,000 per infringement!
Think twice before downloading Despicable Me 3 illegally!