Designated Survivor is an American political drama which premiered on September 21, 2016. The first season of the show recently came to end and viewers are now expecting some relief from all the events that took place in season one. However, fans are sure in for a surprise as the creators have something different in their mind.

Designated Survivor Season 2

The last episode of Designated Survivor season one was titled as “The Oath”. As it was the finale, it was an hour-long episode. The last few minutes of the episode were important as they showcased the cliffhanger. Whatever the case was, season one without any doubt, ended with a bang and left many fans surprised.

Designated Survivor Season 1 Highlights 

In the first season, Tom Kirkman became the President of the United States. In his early days as a President, he had to go through a lot. He faced problems which no President has ever faced even during his full four or eight years time period as a President. At first, a devastating terrorist attack happened right after he became the President. Later on, he found out that there are a lot of traitors inside the White House. He even started getting serious threats from various other countries and from a lot of rebellion leaders. Along with this, he encountered a lot of other hidden problems, which were a serious threat to the country.

Designated Survivor Season 2 Spoilers

Now, because of what happened in the first season of Designated Survivor, fans are eagerly waiting to see what will happen in the second season. The official twitter account of Designated Survivor recently posted a video which focused on what happened right after the final episode ended.

Who Took The Bullet?  

They posted the video with the caption “Who took the bullet?” The video basically showcases that someone got shot, which shocked the entire nation. This indicates that someone really important was shot. Now, the question in everyone’s mind is, who was shot? The tweet has definitely set the hype going for the second season of Designated Survivor.

Designated Survivor Season 2 Release Date

Designated Survivor season 2 will be released on March 8, 2017. Fans will have to wait three months to see who was actually shot. The first season of the show consisted of 10 episodes, which aired from September 21, 2016 to December 14, 2017.

Let us know if you’re excited for Designated Survivor season 2 or not in the comments below.


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