Patrick Walker of EEDAR, a market research firm, has penned an article in which he points out that gamers playing both Clash Royale and Clash of Clans are actually playing more Clash Royale… even though they claim to prefer Clash of Clans. He also puts forward the possibility that gamers who prefer Clash of Clans may end up exiting the Supercell ecosystem, an event that has a precedent in Everquest fans migrating to World of WarCraft after being dissatisfied with Evequest 2.
In the article posted on, Walker points out that the success of Clash Royale might cannibalise Clash of Clans and could even spell doom for Supercell’s dominance of the free-to-play mobile games market. As he uses a graph to show, Clash of Clans’ revenue rank dropped significantly after Clash Royale released. On the other hand, Game of War: Fire Age’s revenues actually rose during this time.
An outlook of doom and gloom for Supercell seems to be a running theme lately, with News Everyday running a post on whether Clash of Clans’ upcoming update will end up buggy like a couple of previous updates in December and March, and whether it will face a negative reaction from players.
What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments below.