The spread-out cities in Civilization 6 are going to require a lot of strategy and planning to optimally place your Districts and Wonders. You want to take advantage of adjacency bonuses and reserve spots for wonders that are restricted to certain terrain. This Civilization 6 Guide maps out a process by which you can think about your placement. Don’t forget to use your map pins. And don’t forget that you will never build all districts or wonders in a single city. Plan out which cities are going to be optimum for each district and wonder.

civilization 6 guide
via pcgamesn

Civilization 6 Guide

Real estate is incredibly critical and seems to lead one to expand. Rivers or fresh water play’s a huge role as well. Try to get used to the district layout and determine what the best layout can be under your particular circumstance. The industrial districts share all of their production with all cities within 6 tiles.

Not enough players have understood effective district/wonder placement yet and this will really help them. You don’t need a aqueduct if your city is already on fresh water start in our opinion. Building a aqueduct in this situation gives only +2 housing instead of +6 and your losing a district capacity for that. Wait for the neighborhood. However, Rome baths gives +8 housing/+ 1 amenity if there’s no access to fresh water and +4 housing/+ 1 amenity if you had already access to fresh water.

Tiles that have rainforest on them, for example, will still be counted as rainforest after you have built something like a plantation. And this will remain true until you clear them up with a builder. Policy cards will be key for high level play. Timing when you finish them, so you can switch it up and always be getting useful bonuses, or at least minimize wasted time.

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